Zil V-1 “Vityaz” Truck v12/26/18
While I was in thought, something to put on a tracked KamAZ between the cab and the semi-trailer, I collected it.
In 1967, the Moscow Experimental Mechanical Plant mastered the small-scale production of the B-1 Vityaz bogs developed by the special design bureau Gazstroymashina in collaboration with the ZIL design bureau.
Has 11 of its addons + 7 standard
Warning: This mod will not work without SpinTiresMod.exe
Who cares, change and improve, I’m only “for”.
All enjoy the game.
Version 12/26/18 for Spintires: MudRunner (v18 / 10/18):
Added trawl (test)
Changes: Registration of caterpillars removed bored sticks and stones now do not get stuck in the tracks (interact only with rollers (wheels)), adhesion to the ground is also slightly increased.