Zil B-1 “The Knight” v05/29/18
While he was thinking about what to put on Kamaz caterpillar between the cabin and the semitrailer, that’s collected.
In 1967, the Moscow Experimental Mechanical Plant mastered small-scale production of the B-1 Vityaz swamp driven by the special design bureau “Gazstroymashina” in cooperation with the ZIL Design Bureau.
Has 8 of its add-ons + 5 standard
Warning: This mod will not work without SpinTiresMod.exe
To whom it is interesting, change and improve, I just “for”.
Everyone enjoy the game.
Version 29.05.18 for Spintires: MudRunner (v18 / 05/21):
Added 4 addon
Fixed collision of the cabin and the crane, turning (now unfolding in place).
Increased the adhesion of caterpillars to the ground.
Required: DLC “Valley” and DLC “The Ridge”
Decreased speed.
The archive is prepared for installation via SpinTiresMod.exe. The archive is placed in the Mods folder (… \ SpintiresMod \ Data \ SpinTires MudRunner \ Mods \).