ZIL-157 “Colun” Truck v1.0
Truck ZIL-157 – this is one of the most common models of cars, which are classified as freight. Vehicles are manufactured at the Likhachev plant since 1958. Many years ago, models were used for the army and for civilian needs. This appointment was observed for 4 years. In the following years, the car expanded its capabilities, performance became better, as a result, a real truck began to appear on the conveyor.
Completion of ZIL-157 from muzden (rus)
Main changes:
– the characteristics of the car have been edited (blocked diff, changed damage / fuel, etc.);
– corrected the characteristics of add-ons;
– Added addons;
– the texture on the cabin is changed.
Mod has:
– 17 of its + 5 standard add-ons;
– Various animations;
– their own cargo.