Zentros 001 Truck v01
Hello, I did the zentros for myself, but my friends asked me to thank them for their help. The textures of the car cargo and Adon have been changed; the shoals that were hidden under rust have been removed for better color. the wheels are changed to more suitable ones on the trailers and the car; now they are more balanced. removed all bans on adons, why forbid people to install. As for the car, the weight characteristics were fixed, as well as the suspensions and the power was added; same flooding is now ray. If you go jambs, I will write. the author is originally a mod dan_ft then
Alexander Lomako, Eblampiy (wheels) and other authors …
The mod will be dorobatyvatsya and complemented by adons write pozhilaniya. All errors are checked and that’s it.