ZAZ GTS Car v0.1
Normal (yellow) ZAZik pumped and received a four-wheel drive car for the rally))). Do not judge strictly, this is my first work done in notepad and Photoshop. This mod replaces the standard yellow ZAZik on ZAZ GTS (he himself came up with).
The engine is pumped to the maximum (you can more, but it then blows)
Suspension is more adapted for off-road and asphalt driving at high speed
Replaced the salon (I wanted a sporty red, but something went wrong, although Dolores Umbridge would have liked it))
New number is placed
The all-wheel drive + lock is registered
Has 1 standard addon.
ZAZik will continue to evolve, the mod will not be bombarded !!!
PS: ZAZik turned out very nimble, so I ordered him the maximum number of repairs (64000), because when you first travel you will wind on the pole, and you will reel, so you will get used to it first on the test site, suitable for pokatushek (in multiplayer did not check) on average off-road and asphalt.