Yesterday’s plot Map v03/12/18
The “Yesterday’s Plot” card – yesterday we took out all the main forest, today we need to take out the remnants!
Two versions of the map – for a single pass and multiplayer.
Map for default and mods close to it.
To start the card requires the presence of 3 DLC: Valley, Ridge and American Wilds.
On the map for a single passage:
– 2 garages (closed);
– 1 fuel station;
– 9 points of intelligence;
– 1 logging + scattered logs (near the loading point);
– 3 sawmills;
– 6 cars + 4 slots for cars (replaceable).
On the map for multiplayer:
– 2 garages (closed);
– 1 fuel station;
– 9 points of intelligence;
– 1 logging + scattered logs (near the loading point);
– 6 sawmills;
– 3 cars + 4 slots for cars (replaceable).
Size: 1024 by 1024 meters.
This map would be so good, I love everything except one thing. The passage in the river, shallow and then its suddenly so deep I cant even pull out my truck from the river. Annoying, just ruins the map for me.