Variation on the theme of default v1.0
Well, firstly, everyone is riveting and I want to.
I do not know how to adequately call it. There were many sarcastic names, but I decided that they would not understand the humor and that someone would be offended.
So let’s say, probably the most complete assembly of the replacement of the default, to more original cars. But not 15GB. For the most part, this is a DenA HuanA assembly with a replacement radiator grille. And already I searched separately Kraz 256, Maz 6317, Maz7429.
I did not change the Maz 538/537/535/7310, YuMZ-6, Luaz, Zaz, since they are already decent.
Zaz and Luaz are better than default, but they will load the archive. There is also Zil 130 good, but this is an extra 300-400 MB.
There was no goal to collect the perfect default. In addition, each has its own vision of the ideality and completeness of add-ons and stray. The goal was to collect a minimum size and load on the PAK system, which would improve the default. It’s like that PAK that we all dreamed about so that right now Pasha will write us a fix in a month and the fire will become a default.
Could not find a replacement, adequate Kamaz 65115.
Characteristics have not changed. Maneuverability and power original.
In a separate folder, there are dump trucks for Kraz 255/256 and for Kamaz trucks.
Krazy unfortunately loaded with logs, Kamaz sand. On KAMAZ bodies, there are add-ons with a garage in the form of asphalt, sand and gravel.
In the same folder with bodies, there is a separate mod for the Russification of these add-on dump trucks.
Tippers and crack are not required for installation.
I did not use the default much before, so I do not know what he lacks there for happiness in terms of prescribing long dissolutions, cranes and other default. Write in comments, what kind of default is missing and if it looks adequate, then I will write.
Installation You can simply copy all the files by agreeing to a replacement. With add-ons as well. And then it is not necessary to mess with Zip archives.
The second option, you throw everything in Media into Media, copy everything in yellow MeshCache and TextureCache into the Zip archives of the same name, after saving copies of these archives. And according to the second option, then you do not need to copy the Config file.
Well, if you have your personal registration in the config (Config). I think you’ll figure it out with the installation.
Naturally, we clean the cache. And actively bombing in the comments.