Uaz-452 6×6 Mod v0.1
Hello! I present to you here is a VAZ. Such a UAZ really existed. In the distant Soviet Union was a prototype of such a UAZ. The mod has quite a lot of functionality! able to carry 4 points of cargo, repair and fuel can take quite a lot with them. Configured not cheat, quite naturally. Write in the comments your ideas that can be added to this Oise. And yes, there will be a standard 4×4 loaf later, with these addons. Anything to take from the Oise only with the permission of the author! (I am not greedy))
And also, Shark777 was very helpful in creating the mod, for which many thanks to him!)
The mod has:
2 of their cargo.
17 of their addons
Animation suspension, steering, mudguards.
Tightened all the main chips of the game.
Thank You! Thats Another Interesting vehicle in MR 😀