Textures KamAZ Pack v1.0
Texture on KamAZ Pack from Darius`a .
Textures only for 4 KamAZ (4350, 5350, 53501, 63501).
I placed a standard texture in case someone does not like it.
Installation: Move the texture files (1ld0i3eh__d, 1ld0i3ns__d, 1ld0i3ts__d, 1ld0i38g__d) to the TextureCache.zip archive in the root folder of the game with replacement if signed in the workshop.
Also for license holders, you can move the texture files to the archive on the path C: / Program Files (x86) /Steam/steamapps/workshop/content/675010/1193293473/472036a1.zip and to the “_t” folder with the replacement.
For pirates need to move to the appropriate folder.