Tatra 815 Truck v1.0
Tinkering for myself with this beautiful model.
And I decided to lay out to you too, thanks a lot to the author for such a technique.
Model finalized by textures, including the entire machine. and wheels, added a timber truck platform with a crane and trailer.
For the place of the load, the logs made the load, he made his trunk for her, he also added and slightly changed the visor from the old version of the game, now there is also a dump truck from the old car, but fitted in size, with a new texture and with all sorts of lotions, spare wheels and Luggage cleaned after repair. Made a container to match the car and even all sorts of stuff … In the future, we will add animations for goods, a dump truck for full functionality and a trailer for it.
The model is based on works from authors Dmitry Levokumov, zidon155, P.Polanszki, Drracer, Outerra studios, Maxim Pioneer, Artyom Mohir, Dmitry Romanenko and the model itself after great work from the author Sanyates (many thanks to him for such work)