Spring Flood Map v1.1
Urgent Announcement:
The Leshoz management is recruiting competent Professional drivers!
In connection with the spring warming, water came to the winter plot and everything
Winter logging is currently on a plot, which has begun to flood abundantly!
In connection with this incident, the Forestry Department is recruiting Drivers of category “C, E.
An urgent need to translate all the harvested wood for sawmills that were previously built on a dry place from the flood!
But the paths to them are not particularly simple!
Previous drivers did not cope with this element, who each threw his own transport, leaving it without fuel!
Fortunately fuel truck is located in the garage sector!
From where the whole operation to save the previously harvested forest will begin!
At the area worked 5 cars!
– Kraz-255_Lesovoz
– Ural-4320_Repair parts
– MAZ-535_Lesovoz crane
– K-700_V a tow truck from mud captivity!
– Kamaz-6522_ Fuel truck
Upon completion of this operation, each driver will be listed on the honor roll in the Forestry Department!
“For valorous work”
We unpack the archive, we take out the “Media” folder from there and throw it into the root folder of the game “Media” If it demands with a replacement. Then we poke with a replacement!
And good luck to the help of ULH!
Version 1.1 for SpinTires (v03.03.16):
Added another slot for cars! Now on spawn 2 cars
Split sawmills, but decided to leave one point with two files!
+ added 1 file was 8 was 9!
In some places corrected the map (fix bugs, flaws!
“Tip” – approaching the third power-saw bench gather all your skills into a fist! I made it a little harder for her!
Well, maybe someone does not quite seem difficult, in general, dare!