Service 38-4 (maximum pressure) Map v0.1
This time you have a lot of work to do. First, you need to go on a crane and find and deliver Liaz, who has flown off the road, to open a garage, deliver and lay pipes in ravines, level the road, deliver blocks and build a bridge, transport the Ferry from the shipyard and launch it for further work on it, transport it faulty equipment (18 pcs.), distribute points on the base sawmills. Availability of convenient loading methods. Take only your mods with sides, trawls and scows for transportation of equipment, in the event of a rollover or rapid movement of more than 2 loaded cars, load points are lost, as a result, a failure and all over again.
Requirements: availability of all DLS and SpinTiresMod.
On the map:
– Fuel refueling: 4;
– Sawmills (rem. Parking): 7;
– Garage: 1 (closed);
– Intelligence points: 11;
– Loading points: no
– Auto at the start: 7;
– Auto on the map: 5;
– The size of the card is 32×32.