Relief Map – Mini-contest v1.1
Dear card dealers, I propose to arrange a challenge, it consists in making this map (elevation map) by January 31, 2020 in order to identify the best map and the author of the Outgoing 2019 contest.
For those interested:
In order not to look for your map with the challenge for a long time on the site, among many others, I suggest calling the map with the word “Challenge”, for example: Challenge Outgoing 2019. When building a map there is only one requirement – you can use only this relief and that’s it, you can change the geometry, but only in emergency cases, align with objects, under the road, more / less pits and mountains. It is also allowed at your discretion to “play” with water, now it is for clarity and its bottom is even.
Maps will be published by the admin (on his behalf, everything is anonymous). It is enough to add a card to the site (in the usual way), signing it as described above.
This competition is on the page of competitions.
Good luck and fantasy, Ladies & Ladies!
Version 1.1 for SpinTires (v03.03.16):
After the contest ends, the 31.01.2020 voting will open, where you all, members of the site, can vote for your favorite card. The voting period and stages will be known after the end of the competition to determine the number of participating cards in the competition. If in the comments or in any other way, the author gives himself out, then the work will automatically knock it out of the competition.