Rancho Montaño Map v03/01/19
Montaño Ranch (Rancho Montaño) is a logging map for MudRunner in the American West.
The Montaño Ranch is a fictional site resembling hills and mountains around the Santa Clara Valley in California. The landscape includes flat fields, bare foothills and forested mountains.
You start with MZKT-7429 with everything you need to unlock your first garage. If you like a challenge, replace this starter truck with something smaller and look for garage trailers on the map.
The card supports arcade or simulator mode, solo or multiplayer. Depending on your level of difficulty and the choice of the starting truck, filling the card alone takes 2-8 hours.
To start the card requires the presence of 3 DLC: Valley, Ridge and American Wilds.
On the map:
– 1 garage (closed);
– 1 fuel station;
– 5 points of intelligence;
– 2 logging + 1 loading point + 8 random loading points;
– 5 sawmills;
– 9 cars + 1 slot for cars (replaceable).
Size: 1024 by 1024 meters.