On the Verge Map v1.0
Map “On the Edge”. As in the extreme maps, in some places the most narrow areas, but there is also mud in the form of a small swamp, there is no definite direction in it (where exactly to move). How you go through it is up to you. In some places the road goes as far as possible to the cliff.
You can replace the starting cars with your own, the passage will not change from this. Without a trailer, you can move on a mono drive, except in a ford (because a fast river) and in a swamp, but I used only Zil 164 from mono, how will default or yours – I don’t know. Brods, dangerous bridges, ascents / descents, in general, this is an analogue of past maps, only smaller. It was tested, and it was created for transporting cargo on individuals, but no one forbids experimenting.
There are 2 versions in the archive to choose from, with and without a mini-map. I wish you good luck and patience!
– Size: 640×640;
– Garage: 1 (closed);
– Sawmills: 4;
– Gas stations: 1;
– Scouting points: 5;
– Loggers: 1;
– Points of manual loading: 2;
– Random loading: absent;
– Transport at the start: 2 pieces;
– Transport on the map: 12 pieces.