NAMI 0127A Truck v12/15/19
NAMI-0127A truck (A – arch tires)
NAMI-0127P truck (П – pneumatic rollers)
As an experiment, they were assembled from units of various trucks already mastered by industry in 1968. Cabin from Zil 130, Ural-375D balancing trolleys, YaMZ-238 (KrAZ) engine, steering of the articulated articulated frame MoAZ-529, YaMZ-236 gearbox, modified KrAZ-257 and Ural-375 parts and so on.
Trucks are assembled in approximately the same way as its real version.
NAMI-0127A 9 of its and 8 default add-ons
NAMI-0127P 11 of its and 8 default add-ons
P.S. My last work, I post what is at the moment, there will be no improvements, thanks to everyone who appreciated my work, all the best so far.
Version 15.12.2019 for Spintires: MudRunner (v14.08.19):
Update at the request of the players:
The second truck NAMI-0127P was added (P – pneumatic rollers)
NAMI-0127P can transport cargo – pipe for 8 points
Tread tracks added to the wheels
New addons:
_Nami_Protection_Engine – engine side protection
_Nami_body_kit – additional repairs and fuel
_Nami_Repair_Crane – crane for pulling stuck equipment and repair
_Nami_Pipe_carrier – platform for transporting the pipe (put only on NAMI-0127P)