MZKT-500200 Truck v0.95 (21.12.17)
MZKT 500200 came to replace Gas 66 in the Byelorussian Army. Therefore, there are no dissolutions and semi-trailers …
In fact, this is a technician (garage, fuel, repairs) – but I added the opportunity to drive the forest (very few people are interested in just a technical tool). As well as real, the car has confident passableness! There are some possible inconsistencies in the TMX – but this is deliberately adjusted to the game! A huge request not to leave negative comments like “go .. but”, etc. – constructive criticism is welcome!
The main feature of the mod is made in 3D Max from “zero” by the author.
Independent suspension of all the wheels (by mth)
MZKT has:
– 7 of its add-ons + 5 default ones
– its load
– the view from the cab + the MudRunner dashboard
– transports 2-4-5 points of cargo
– animation of rotary fists and beams
– animation of the fuel in the tank
– air intake of the engine
– animation of the mirrors during the collision
– camera in the cab UPD MudRunner v30.11.17
– spray on the windows
– animation of the engine to start / mute / damage
– animation of the mudguards
All pleasant off-road!
Version 0.95 (21.12.17) for Spintires: MudRunner (v11.12.17):
Update textures
new “native” wheels “Kama-401”
minor improvements (headlamps, wipers, etc.)
Correcting the coordinates of the axes of turning the wheels