MP500 Unipog v1.0.0
The MP500, a true keystone in the world of modern industry and infrastructure. All-wheel drive, portal axles, high torsional flexibility and a short wheelbase allows this little beast to traverse just about any terrain you can throw at it. The modular frame addon system allows for quick and easy changes to the configuration of the vehicle. Widely used for farming, expeditions and the special forces the MP500 knows no bounds. It may not be the biggest or the quickest, but you can depend on the MP500 to get the job done.
This mod is, at the moment if its release, my most detailed and highest effort piece of work. It has taken me hundreds of hours of arduous work to get to this point and I hope that you’ll enjoy it!.
- Portal axles allows for higher ground clearance, without the need for oversized wheels.
- 11 sets of custom tires with custom tire track textures.
- 5 custom main frame addons.
- Various decorative addons: Exo-cage, 2 lightbars, roof rack, 3 bumpers.
- Animated dashboard switches.
- High quality models/textures.
- Custom sounds.
- Original ‘facelift’ facia/grille, designed with help from DerEggen.