Moskvich 412 Pasny v14.88
Moskvich 412 Pasny v14.88
As the Encyclopedia of PI says: Pasnia is IZH-412-028, which differs from the door-handles below the waterline and another face muzzle with
modified front optics, as well as the radiator grille in black, or # in color. # The color, also, can be a bumper.
Our #realitet almost nifiga did not go in the winter and was preserved as a # factory. # Izhanita is not, # DOES not touch the UZAM, everything is more kakacha # pakanonam, take it and go!
Mod has: 4 of its add-on and carries 2 points of the refrigerator # didu to the dacha
So that you could at least somehow understand the description – along with the mod goes the book “PI for Dummies”