Mercedes Benz G-Class 2019 v1.2
More, more luxurious, more expensive ..
All these terms are directly related to this brutal SUV. The new generation of the legendary brand. The global update of the model affected almost all of its aspects, starting with the appearance and ending with the materials used in the salon. And even if outwardly Gelentwagen has become not so evil and even more like a city car, this is all a tricky trick. After all, the smoothed brick flies better and here the same principle, both on asphalt and in the mud, it became faster, more passable, more maneuverable. Due to the new technologies and the old approach to creating a car, we got a very capable SUV that can put up serious competition even to its oldest predecessors.
Features of the model:
1) High-quality HQ interior and exterior;
2) Correct landing of the driver, convenient game camera;
3) Conflict correctly configured;
4) The steering wheel, all as in the original cars;
5) The correct functionality of all optics;
6) Realistic chrome;
7) Original proportions of the car;
3D model: Internet
Working with a 3D model and everything that applies to it: danft
Version 1.2 for Spintires: MudRunner (v18 / 05/21):
1) Added interior lighting, all the lights and buttons work. Thanks Vlad_SVE, for help in mastering and adding this feature. P.S: Due to the specificity of the cabin work in a mudranner, all illuminated devices will get dirt and they get wet (BUT ONLY AND NOR MORE), these are inevitable victims that give us interior lighting.
2) Minor fixes of all the lighting.
3) Partially updated sound.
4) Cleaned registration from technical garbage.