La Luna3 Map v2 Jelly mountains
Welkom to (Sotto) La luna3 v2, jelly mountens. La Luna3 is a mountain map with small, steep roads, tight
corners, lot of water, mud and even a swamp and a forest.
You have 8 trucks available, 2 selectable. The other 6 trucks are scattered over the map. Most of the
trucks are badly damaged or are in difficult positions (or both, but lucky the garage is open! 🙂 ).
Your start is at the garage with your two selectable trucks.
To find the gps positions (flags) you have to unlock the uaz469 or use one of your own selectable slot.
From the garage to the logging site to the fairest lumber mill is a road distends of +5.000m!
I have redesigned the whole map and there are lot of changes to La luna3 v1.
There are two large custom models and some smaller custom models on the map,
the game will freeze a few times at the start and to the logging site.
It depance on your hardware from your pc how long!
And again I have had a lot of fun creating (sotto) la lune3,
I hope you will have a lot of fun playing la luna3.
Map size 864m x 864m
On the map:
– 8 trucks (2 free slots) + 3 trailer
– 1 garage (open at start)
– 1 refuelling (at the garage)
– 5 lumber mill
– 2 logging station
– 1 log kiosk
– 6 flag