KAMAZ-4310 Truck v2.0
KAMAZ-4310 is the same as KAMAZ-4310 “ARMATA” for SpinTires 03/03/16, with the exception of some changes.
The mod has:
– 20 of its addons and 15 default
– animation of the steering wheel, cardan, frame, antenna, cabin, in the cabin of the curtains, skull, arrows on the tachometer, speedometer, etc., cord of the radio, fuel, engine (start, jamming), mirror (in a collision).
– your sound and your loads
– synchronization of light
Can carry 3, 4, 6, 8 loading points
Based on KamAZ-4310 from Bezon
Added addons and removed some old ones.
Replaced the texture with my small changes.
The power was slightly increased, the box was changed, some sounds were replaced and now they are more similar to KAMAZ ones. Patency average plus or minus.
Small changes in lighting.
I would like to thank the authors of add-ons and auto models (Alexander Ivanov, Bezon, CyMpak, Devil38rus, Roman Sonchak (ronnie) and other authors.
I apologize, I forgot about fuel tanks in the vidos. All pleasant pokatushek.
Version 2.0 for Spintires: MudRunner (v18 / 05/21):
Added hook points to the frame on both sides and cab. Cleaned windows and now see better day and night from the cab of the car. Added addon kung and added hook points on it, just added a hook point on the platform. Changing the center of gravity of the car and some cargo, some minor edits.