K5 8×8 Truck v1.2
The promising KAMAZ-65951 dump truck with a K5 generation cab and 8×4 wheel arrangement is currently undergoing intensive tests at the NAMI test site in Dmitrov. After a little thought, I bungled my 8×8 timber truck on this base.
– Autonomy transports short and medium logs, respectively 3 and 4 points;
– The trailer transports short, medium and long logs: 3.4 and 6 points respectively;
– The mixer carries 2 garage points, 800 repair points and 800 liters of fuel.
I added a dump truck body, wheels and made three cabin textures and a body in color.
The mod has a folder with textures for the cab (3 pieces) and a dump truck body. It’s called “body + cabin”, choose which one you like and copy it to the TextureCache folder for replacement.
The mod has:
– 8 own addons + default;
– 4 types of wheels.
Version 1.2 for SpinTires (v03.03.16):
Added 2 addons (dump truck and dump trailer) and +2 cab textures orange and black.
Corrected the sound of the car and the texture of the frame with tanks.