Je ne crois pas mes yeux Map v1
Our dear friend from Italy has already become in the board and therefore we are smoothly transferred to another location to another character. This time a new resident of our vast country was sent to the village N, who came from France, a small peasant, guess how his men called him !? The first test was to get him equipment for the garage at KRAZ. He drove up to our magic lake and does not know how to drive further, because there is no bridge. You told him about the magnetic waves that radiate this lake and all iron products can freely levitate over it. As a result, you had to carefully shake out Kraz from the cab and drive this place yourself. Looking at this he said “Je ne crois pas mes yeux”, which in Russian translates to “I do not believe my eyes.” And that was not all,
I present to you 4 versions of the map, read carefully and choose for yourself or your friends the best version:
(1) – for a single pass (there is a random car on the logging site)
(4) – for passing with friends (the difference is below)
(o) – autumn (KRAZ 260 with garage parts)
(L) – summer difference in vegetation (dry map, suitable for non-four-wheel drive) (KRAZ 256 with garage parts)
Garage in all versions closed (do not panic – you do not need to look for it, just like the garage hour and simply to drive all the time in a straight line)
Map 32 * 32 (1024 by 1024 meters)
At the start of 4 MAZ’s being replaced 7310
Points of exploration 9
Garage 1 (closed)
Fuel stations (1-2 to 4-1)
Sawmill (1-4, 4-8)
Automatic loading location anywhere in the arcade
Dots loading (1-2, 4 no, it is necessary to collect logs)
on logging there is a K-700 with a forklift and a Ural with a crane.
Everyone enjoy the game!