Impromptu map v1.0
Since when replacing starting cars in the game, since some time modifications when starting the card with add-ons (add-ons), it is not recommended to replace standard SUVs (jeeps) that are larger in size than vehicles.
The card is focused on a single pass, in my opinion in multiplayer it will be easy or boring.
Multiplayer works, but one of the players may appear incorrectly.
Map size 32×32 (1km x 1km).
On the map:
– 1 garage
– 4 places of unloading
– 1 refueling
– 1 lumbering (arcade)
– 1 loading point
– 1 start slot
– 5 pieces of equipment + 1 random
Requires 4 DLCs.
Tested with standard trucks.
A partner’s shoulder (tow rope) to help you.
Have a nice game.