IHC Loadstar 1700 4×4 1.2.2 Mod
I just couldn’t get past the wet fart engine noises! Traded them for another old sound.. the White Western Star ws4964.
Added MinicraneRU
300L of fuel
Pickup bed: 200L Fuel, 250 Repair points, 4 wheels
Service Body: 750 Repair Points
There are two raised suspensions: The minicrane is very heavy for the 1700 so it gets its own suspension. On the other hand, the Minicrane RU is about half the weight of the US variant so pick your poison!
Soft suspension for Scouting and trailers
Firm suspension for the Minicrane US/RU and heavy loads
Minimal work/tuning everywhere else.
These are my personal touches to the trucks I use. Simply uploading here to get around the initial.pak file getting overwritten. Might as well make them public.