Igor 72 Ihorusakin Map v1
The entrepreneur Igor Nikolaevich bought several saw-saws and felled in a place forgotten by God.
From the words of the sellers everything looked just fine-hire people and make money. But it turned out to be much worse.
The garage does not work, the equipment is in an unknown condition. Igor Nikolayevich turned to the neighboring villages for help, but the drivers somewhere tossed trailers with tools for the garage and left in an unknown direction.
There is no hope for anyone else, it was necessary for Igor Nikolaevich himself to sit behind the wheel and go in search of trailers with tools for restoring the garage and starting his not easy business.
Having opened the garage Igor Nikolaevich starts his business for the sale of firewood, logs, boards.
Size: 640 by 544 meters.
On the map:
1 garage (open)
2 loading points
6 saws
3 slot machines The
map will be refined.