Gravel Coastline SR PTS 1.3.0 Mod
This version is made for the PTS (Public Test Server). This Map uses models, functions and feature that are not compatible with the live Version of Snowrunner!
Welcome back to the future!
I am happy to present you my new old Map Gravel Coastline SR.
For those of you who have been active in Mudrunner before, the name Gravel Coastline might look familiar.
Gravel Coastline SR is a complete rebuilding of the successful original map for Mudrunner. Except for the rough layout, literally no stone has been left unturned, the map is brand new and offers all the new features Snowrunner and modders currently have available.
A rugged Russian coastline awaits you. In the hinterland the foothills of a mountain range stretch out and raging rivers pour into the sea. The paths here are narrow and winding, steep cliffs and narrow canyons demand a lot of concentration and skill from you!
In this rugged area, various tasks await you. Deliver supplies, repair the infrastructure, recover vehicles and explore the landscape.
size: 1x1km
2x Fuelstations
1x Garage
3x starting vehicles (use them, sell them, do as you like)
5x Watchpoints
10x Missions
1x Boost Mission (boosts you to level 16 and gives 99.999 currency so you don’t have to start with level 1)
terrain made with ESA DEM datasets
Bugs and Fedback:
Since the map is still in the PTS version, there may be bugs and errors. Furthermore the editor and its many new functions are not yet fully developed or I am occasionally to stupid to use them correctly.
If you find something that does not work as it should, please leave me a comment, the map will be updated in the future and will be available for the live version of Snowrunner.
Known bugs so far:
can’t buy russian vehicles on this russian map
Of course you can leave a comment if you just like the map as well.
Have fun and stay tuned, the next map is under construction- and maybe it’s a successor to my most downloaded map in Mudrunner.