Graphics in Mudrunner – More paints and colors v1.0
I want to share with the community an assembly of textures for the game, which, in my opinion, give a little realism, and maybe even atmosphere to the game.
The mod is fully compatible with the graphics mod from Adega, but I think it won’t be bad at default either. A bunch of mods on the graph were rummaged and the most suitable and not spoiling the general concept of the game were selected by their preferences.
Autumn was diluted with yellow bushes and autumn with withered grass. And summer is of course meadow and wildflowers. But we are all different in taste and color.
– More realistic Rocks and rocks and rocky slopes
– New asphalt
– New flowers and grass
– New leaves
– New autumn grass and yellow bushes
– New sky
– New garage frame
– New color of beams of headlights (direction of light is visible)