Ghost Town Map v17.05.20
Everyone except lumberjacks has long left this town, but, fortunately, there are plenty of trees here. Your old ZIL-131 is working again, and you need to open the garage to fix some other cars left by the townspeople, but first find some fuel.
* Prompt; use ZAZ and look around.
To run the map, 4 DLCs are required: Valley, Ridge, American Wilds and Old-timers.
On the map:
– 1 garage (closed);
– 1 fuel station;
– 9 intelligence points;
– 1 lumbering + 1 loading point;
– 4 sawmills;
– 5 cars + 1 slot for cars.
Replace with a mod for which standard garage parts are registered.
Size: 1024 by 1024 meters.