Forest Byl Map v1
One morning walking in the woods and inspecting their possessions, the forester Stepanich discovered the car parts stolen last winter from a warehouse and reported the finding to the local administration. The leadership sent the car right away to take them to the garage, but the driver got lost in the woods and, by inexperience, got stuck in the mud while running for help, someone brazenly poured all the carburet … In the regional administration you are provided with two UAZ cars to find this truck, repair, refuel it and deliver the spare parts to the garage. Stepanychu in the form of a reward for the information written out a lot of wood, which will also have to take you (not a very convenient place of residence) …
Map 32х32 (1024 by 1024 meters)
On the map:
– 1 Garage (closed)
– 1 Refueling
– 1 Forestry (Automatic loading)
– 1 loading point (manual)
– 9 sawmills
– 10 points of reconnaissance
– 3 auto on start (replaceable, but UAZs are equipped with repair parts and fuel) + auto on the map
PS: the card was tested on default, not complicated, everything is located on the map (this is exactly what is planned, especially the garage parts)