For subscribers Map v1.2
Hello to all Mudrunner lovers! Today I want to bring to your attention another kartyka! Semi-plot map (logs are default, but the opening of the garage, gas station and loading point with a plot).
On the map:
5 – Sawmills
1 – gas station
1 – Closed garage
10 – points of intelligence
0 – felling
3 – Auto at start (replaceable)
Before opening the garage, you first have to build the building itself (There are (2) “Zila131” with bricks on the map, they need to be brought to the garage location and put on pallets, we transfer to the Garage and activate the functions, look for green dots on the bricks) To unload on pallets look for vehicles on the map.
Gas station – For accessibility to the gas station location, you have to bring a channel (the beams are located in the garage, in the garage you can also put a scow for their transportation or use your own method) Similarly, we unload the beams in the allotted place – we transfer to Prolet, look for green dots and activate them.
The loading point is to get into the territory until you bring the repair parts and fuel (blocked by a barrier) Having repaired and refueled Kung, we have the opportunity to open the barrier through the functions.
4 = bricks
We are loaded with wood and delivered to sawmills
p.s. Zil 131 with board (not default) is loaded with 4 short logs for 2 points of load! The Polupricep sewn into the card is loaded with 2 long logs for 6 loading points.
The map is varied with roads, fords, drops, bridges, balanced mud, different terrain. I tried to make it moderately difficult. On your judgment, comrades …
I strongly advise against taking any lengths!
Have a nice ride!
Version 1.2 for Spintires: MudRunner (v10.06.19):
– I apologize wildly to the players with a joint with the construction of the garage. This time everything is checked inside out, corrected the defect.