Enhanced YAR 87 “Scarab” M181 1.1.0 Mod
The YAR 87. Tough. Dependable. Unique. Kind of reminds me of a beetle.
I love this truck, I think it’s one of my favourite trucks in Snow*Runner, but there are definitely a few things about it that I found pretty lacking. Honestly the big thing for me was the sound. It sounded really anemic, not at all befitting it’s exploration design.
When I set out to tackle this mod, I wanted to turn the YAR 87 up a couple notches without ruining the way it felt, or breaking the game. It maintains some stock unlocks. I think I’ve hit the sweet-spot here with a few extra options labelled and priced to be lore-friendly.
Changes over the stock YAR 87 include:
Revised drivetrain pattern (now switches between R-4WD and A-6WD)
Added 1° of rear axle steer (to assist in mud)
Changed engine icon
Increased fuel capacity
Auto Winch + added
New Raised and Active suspension options
New lore-friendly top tier engine
Modified sound profile featuring Voron Grad sounds and backup beeper
CrawlerBox transmission added
Increased tire selection (with custom tires coming in future patch)
Tweaked physics
No region/level lock
Custom UI descriptions
Added roof crane socket
Truck now spawns with no bumpers
Added visual and performance customization options
Added ability to convert from passenger cab to cargo cab
New paint schemes
If you have any comments or concerns, please let me know. And if it’s something that needs to be adjusted, I will group things together and release a patch. Drop a thumb and a review if you’d like. Your feedback steers both the “Enhanced” & “MemeSpec” series trucks. I have a pretty good queue of trucks lined up that I’ve wanted to tackle, and a few refreshes of old trucks, so stay tuned. I’m not able to take any more requests at this time.
Version history:
Sep 08 2020 – 1.1.0
– Added new “Narrow” and “Monster” mud tires by Quasimiyao