Enhanced Ford CLT9000 AWD “Adventurer” V2 M181 2.0.0 Mod
Welcome to version 2.0! As I’m making new trucks, I’m also planning on going through some of the older mods and bolster them. These will be the last large patches these trucks get, however bug fixes will still be applied as needed. Check the version history information for changes over V1. If you notice any bugs or weirdness, please let me know.
The CLT9000 is one of the easiest trucks to overlook in Snow*Runner. This mod seeks to rectify that by swapping out the old motors for the CAT CT680’s engines, standard all-wheel drive, locked differentials, and a small increase in fuel capacity. A small roof rack has also been added to get you back when you go a little further than you could before. I have also added a wide variety of off-road tires from some classics like the ANK, Pacific series, CAT745, and Tayga.
Version History:
Aug 25 2020 – 2.0.0
– Handbrake on both axles
– Full-time, locked-diff AWD
– Improved steering speed
– Truck now spawns in on ANK wheels
– Truck spawns in with no accessories
– Overhauled suspension and added new Active suspension option
– Modified sound set to include more original sounds where applicable
– Improved socket naming schema
– Tweaked chassis physics and strength
– Completely overhauled wheel options and offsets for stability
– Removed region lock
– Changed pricing slightly
– – Changed UI text and imagery
– Added new frame add-ons including single-slot
– Swapped out some visual options for ones that fit better
– New visual and performance customization options added
– General code & file clean-up