Crossroads of Seven Roads map v1.0
The “Crossroads of Seven Roads” map represents ascents / descents, roads along a slope, fords and swamps, in some places the roads are dangerous and there are chances for a coup. The map, as they say, is a corridor, but, 1 corridor – 1 sawmill, except for one road, you will have to drive it twice because leads to 2 nail files. The card was tested on default cars, it will be difficult or not for modified cars, I do not know. For default, some places are given hard.
Starting transport will be without fuel, so you will start the game from 4320, it is located in the depths of the forest near the forester’s house. Be careful and careful on the roads.
Fans of road trains will have to suffer because in some places the road resembles a snake. Good luck to all!
Size: 32×32
On the map:
– Garage: 1 (closed)
– Sawmills: 7
– Refueling: 2
– Intelligence Points: 11
– Logging: 1
– loading point: 2
– 4 slots for cars
Transport on the map: 4