C.C.M. Lil’ Suzi v1.1
C.C.M. is proud to present Lil Suzi, Suzi is a classic import known worldwide that was resto-modded in the Co-Core Workshop around 2006. Suzi was able to get around in the woods just fine before she was modified in anyway due to the very small size and weight. after the suspension was upgraded Suzi is almost unstoppable in the woods.
Body model created by me.
axles and shocks from sketchup
Huge thank you to everyone that uses my mods. also to every one thats helped along the way.
Feel free to find your way over to the IX/SE discord server for a behind the scenes peak at future projects from myself and many other modders who reside there.
as with all my mods. do not under any circumstances take and re upload anything ive created. if interested in learning how to make mods. just use the resources available and learn. there are many people willing to help people learn the ropes.