BT361A-01 Tyumen Tractor v04/08/19
The Tyumen bog-propelled vehicle BT361A-01 developed at the design bureau Gazstroymashina under the supervision of the project’s chief designer Vasiliev O.K. and manufactured at the Kropotkinsk Experimental Machine-Building Plant of the USSR Ministry of Oil and Gas Construction in 1978-1980.
The mod has its 7 add-ons (converted default) and 5 default (trailers).
Archive prepared for installation via SpinTiresMod.exe.
The archive is placed in the Mods folder (… \ SpintiresMod \ Data \ SpinTires MudRunner \ Mods \).
Warning: This mod will not work without SpinTiresMod.exe
Optional: Mod on sticks
Who cares, change and improve, I’m only “for”.
All enjoy the game.
Version 08/04/19 for Spintires: MudRunner (v19.11.18):
Fixed registration of harp, fixed some bugs.