Bloody Pass Map v1
The maximum size is 1024 by 1024 meters (32×32).
The complexity of the map is medium, sometimes difficult.
Recommended technique:
– Complicated level – default machines of the MAZ-6317 / KRAZ-255 level in order to fully experience the card, get out of the comfort zone and immerse in the atmosphere of SpinTires !;
– The average level – a little more passable machine, rather than a default, for a less comfortable game;
– Light level – Significantly passable, Chiter, Imby for arcade;).
Actions take place on the Bloody Pass – this is the most dangerous pass, for transporting the forest. Over the past year, this site killed more than 25 people and broke about 30-40 cars. But you do not care and you came to earn money. And they pay decent money here, because of the great risk to their lives.
Monday morning…
So guys, today I have bad news for you. Mihalych, an old drunkard, drank the first day off from the day before, and in this condition drove the garage parts. As you can see, the garage is not open. Alkota failed to manage and overturned the truck along with the parts into the swamp, near the water treatment plant. He fell from a fairly high altitude, the trailer with the garage is in order, but Kamaz is killed in the wood. And even with a fall from the truck, the coupling pulled out, and she drowned somewhere in the swamp. There is no time to look for it and no repairs, so I called Petrovich from a neighboring village and asked him to bring his Kamaz (4310) with a coupler for a small reward. But the problems did not end there, he ran out of fuel halfway through the road and he got up on the highway near the “Bloody Bay” – that’s the one at the lighthouse.
In short, I tell you the plan of action:
1) One of you goes to Pyotr Pavlovich, say that from me he gives you a gasoline truck. On this gasoline tanker, go first to the gas station, and afterwards drive the Petrovich truck. How to refuel, drive the tractor to the water treatment plant. The keys to the tractor will be found under the rear wheel. Peter Pavlovich you will find in the village near the garage.
2) Another at this time takes an old MZKT, which stands at the entrance to the city. Here, hold the keys. He has not been serviced for a long time, so you can ask for repair parts from the local ones. How to take MZKT, go clear the road and turn over the garage parts.
So, still, keep the walkie-talkie. You probably will have any problems in the process and with the help of them, you can call each other for help.
As soon as you get the garage parts and open the garage, immediately take on the transportation of the forest. No one canceled the work!
And while I go I will visit Mikhalych in the hospital, and then something he easily got off.
What is on the map:
– 1 garage (closed)
– 1 refueling
– 4-5 loading points + 2 logging sites (points are located in two parts of the map, not in one)
– 6 saws
– 5 slots for cars
Helpful information:
– All cars at the start can be changed;
– On the map, near some roads there are UAZs of BLUE color, on which it is necessary to open the reconnaissance points. Typically, these roads one way and back you vryatli come back. Therefore, you should not go further on your car, if you see a nearby blue UAZ. Otherwise, you risk losing your car;
– The discovery of all the reconnaissance points was repeatedly tested at CINEM UAZ. Therefore, if you have it replaced with another machine, there is a chance that you will not be able to open the point;
– There are about 3000 objects on the map. As a consequence of this, there may be slight sagging and a drawdown of FPS. But with a probability of 80% you will not have any drawdowns;
– The map is conditionally divided into 3 levels / tiers: the 1st lowest level is the swamp; 2nd medium level – wide roads, city, villages; The third highest level is the narrow mountain trails;
– On the map is located Kamaz 4310 with a coupler and a trailer with 4 points of garage should be attached to it. With a fuel tank. If they are replaced, then check whether these default addons are placed on them;
– The card is made entirely from the default objects, so to start it does not need a spmod;
– The map is added transport from the new update / DLC “Gryada”. If you do not have DLC “Ridge” installed, then this transport will not be on the map (this does not affect the gameplay in any way).
To anyone who cares, this is a phenomenal map. I haven’t played it all the way through, but I do have one issue. The only garage trailer that I’ve found to unlock the sole garage was found wrecked over a cliff. I get that, and love the story setup, but the truck that was supposedly carrying it has no trailer hitch. In fact, none of the vehicles I’ve come across do. If this is done for difficulty, then I get it, but as far as immersion, it kind of breaks the experience of this otherwise great card. I LOVE this map, but that’s an issue. Maybe I’ll play more and see what else I can find.
Never mind. My dumb butt didn’t read the description. Still love this map!
where to get this map now?
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