Additional folders for installing mods
Mod for the Controllers or just lovers of order and unfolding everything on the shelves.
After installing the mod to clean the cache with the mandatory removal of the Config.xml file, but it is in the Cache, and not in the folder with the game. The files in the cache to be deleted are shown in the third screenshot.
Additional folders for mods. Mods can be dropped into any folder from the suggested ones taking into account the priority of the folders.
There are separate folders for each type of mod.
Priority for the folders is different. This is done on purpose. The highest priority is with the Media_test and Media_level_test folders, so that when testing a new mod, you can immediately see the jambs, if any. Next, I suggest moving the tested mod to the Media folder, if you like the mod and does not have jambs. After the media test and media, the test is a priority with Media_deffolt, this folder is needed if you are tinkering in the default auto and adon. Next priority is the folder Media, which I throw already checked and liked the fashion for the constant. Then Media_level has a priority, it is slightly lower than the media, so that in the maps there are built-in cars and so that they do not crouch over the high mods, then the cards have a lower priority. Next priority is in the folder Media_trailers, a folder for trailers, if it is, of course, needed. The lowest priority for the folder Media_tracked_vehicles, it is a folder for crawler vehicles. Although it makes sense to test this technique first, putting it in Media_test, but even after a successful test I put all the psalms in Media_tracked_vehicles, since they are still most exposed to all kinds of bugs and jambs, so this folder has the least priority. Well, all these folders, of course, are more important than Media.zip.
Video to fashion, as friends said, is a direct bayan bayan, but shows you how to make the folders you need for yourself.